Meet Hamatsesa Cider Mill
Hamatsesa is an idea embodied in a factory.
Their story begins in 2013, when Tomer Tzur worked in the agricultural branch of Kibbutz Tzuba in the Jerusalem mountains and saw the thousands of apples and pears that remained in the orchards after picking and the quantities of containers that were rejected at the packing house and decided to ask himself: What and why is the fruit disqualified?
The answers were simple: size, picking marks, uneven colors.
In short, the fruits are excellent, but no longer 'pretty' enough to be on the market.
This is when he tried to think of an idea for reusing discarded fruit and this is how hamatsesa “the fermenter” was born.
They started with the production of natural juices and fruit delicacies, and later, after prolonged learning and a lot of trial and error, they learned to make alcoholic ciders in the strict fermentation process and even a variety of acids.
Today, they are proud to say that the fermenter buys the fruits that are rejected for marketing from farmers throughout the country, with the intention of doing for Israeli agriculture.
The factory’s main goal, its heart, is to promote successful agriculture in Israel. The “Matsesa” or the “Fermentory”, attempts to fix the built-in paradox in agriculture: the loss of large amounts of produce alongside low revenue.
Every year, around 20% of local fruit produce is thrown away, whether being left in the orchards and fields, or thrown away at the packaging stations. This high quality fruit is discarded because of small external flaws; a color that is not uniform, a size that is not standard or small bruises on the fruit.
How can we prevent the waste of food, and lead to a more sustainable agriculture?
How do we help the local agriculture succeed?
The “Matsesa” has the perfect answer to this question.
By buying the unwanted fruit, and turning it into cider, juice, and jam, we provide a tasty and creative way to cut down on waste, as well as making a great product.
100% Fruit Based
Local Produce – Israeli Fruits only used
Gluten Free
No Preservatives
No Additives
Ask us about including their products in your boxes, you won’t regret it!