Pamper them gift box - Only delivery to Israel


Only shipping to Israel.

Throughout the year send a beautiful gift to your loved ones in Israel.

Make their day special.

What's inside:

Challah (if delivering to the center of Israel, if not, the challah will be replaced with another edible)

Skinny ceramic vase from Yahalomis (white, light turquoise, dark turquoise, terracotta)

Dipping mini bowl

Wine (rose, red or white)

Boutique olive oil from Tura

Honey or salty dip

A funny postcard from Citykat

Box of chocolate squares or chocolate covered nuts from Holy Cacao

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Only shipping to Israel.

Throughout the year send a beautiful gift to your loved ones in Israel.

Make their day special.

What's inside:

Challah (if delivering to the center of Israel, if not, the challah will be replaced with another edible)

Skinny ceramic vase from Yahalomis (white, light turquoise, dark turquoise, terracotta)

Dipping mini bowl

Wine (rose, red or white)

Boutique olive oil from Tura

Honey or salty dip

A funny postcard from Citykat

Box of chocolate squares or chocolate covered nuts from Holy Cacao

Add a FREE personal note

Only shipping to Israel.

Throughout the year send a beautiful gift to your loved ones in Israel.

Make their day special.

What's inside:

Challah (if delivering to the center of Israel, if not, the challah will be replaced with another edible)

Skinny ceramic vase from Yahalomis (white, light turquoise, dark turquoise, terracotta)

Dipping mini bowl

Wine (rose, red or white)

Boutique olive oil from Tura

Honey or salty dip

A funny postcard from Citykat

Box of chocolate squares or chocolate covered nuts from Holy Cacao

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